Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It is with the confidence of a much beloved child that Rome opens her heart to travelers. There is an unapologetic joy in her attitude that infects all that walk her tall colourful streets. Rome shares her wealth of stone and pigment with generous delight breathing new hope into human creativity. Like a patient mother, used to being prodded and poked, the city tolerates our quest into her deep historical past with resigned serenity, constantly unveiling unexpected truths hidden in the depths of her laden abdomen. Rome has the remarkable capacity to fuse the new with the old weaving into her fabric the fibres and threads of timeless artistic achievement. Within her circular embrace, everything becomes contemporary and relevant; from the Pantheon’s soothing geometry, to Bernini’s grandiose theatrics, to Cy Trombley’s gentle poetries. With magnanimous grace the city exudes her joie de vivre transmitting a simple message that leaves us with a renewed sense of hope and a deeper understanding of our own humanity.

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