Sunday, January 6, 2008

End of Fall Term Show

I am writing now from Toronto after the fall term in Florence. It was a wonderful experience - not without its ups and downs of courese - but everyone seemed to get into the experience and find a direction with their work. The end of term exhibition was very successful and in fact coincided with the Florence Biennale. We had a visit from Margaret Cresswell who was in the Biennale but also in the OCAD Florence programme many years ago. Other European artists in the Biennale came by to see the work and had very favourable comments.

Romano Morando, a Florentine artist with a long history with OCAD, participated in the crits and commented that, as usual, our students were learning to have their own vision and showed remarkable diversity and creativity which goes beyond the mere technique he sees in other schools.

Peter Porçal continues to give a lively face to the history of art and we had trips to Venice (the Biennale there), Arezzo, Monterchi, Ravenna and more over the term.

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