Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rome post

So I wrote some haikus.

here is one on Rome in general:

Rome: Tourists with sass,
Monument, monument, church,
Damn, this stuff is OLD.

Now here are some on my essay topic, the Vestal Virgins, the only female priesthood in Ancient Rome. We saw their temple in the Roman Forum. Just for some general information, the Vestal Virgins were a group of young woman chosen to tend to the sacred fire of Vesta, Vesta being the pagan goddess of the hearth. The fire they tended was the symbolic hearth of the Roman people, symbolizing the heart of Rome. The women were sworn to celibacy (hence Vestal VIRGINS) and if they broke this oath, or let the sacred fire housed in the temple of Vesta go out, they were BURIED ALIVE! Anyway the Temple of Vesta remained active until Christianity became prevalent and pagan cults were banned in 394 CE.
The haikus:

Porcal sings the lore:
Virgins! Temples! Sacred fires!
Buried alive? Hottt!

I guess this job comes
With perks: Free food, swiming pools.
But cults? Not my thang.

For Roman women
Pater-Familias ruled.
But for Vestals? Nope!

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